Media Center

Hilllside High School Educational Media Center

World Book Online

Hillside District Media Center Resources:

As Educational Media Specialist of Hillside School District the many aspects of a media specialist are varied on a daily basis while interacting with the educators and student population of our community. Some of the offerings as well as duties and responsibilities that are encounter on a daily basis as a media specialist include some of the following task:

  • Media specialist are responsible for ensuring that students and staff have availability and access to a variety of materials and resources.
  • Maintaining and updating the library’s collection of books and e-books.
  • Collaboration with educators to support and integrate media and technology into their classes in support of their curriculum.
  • We are advocates of ensuring students and teachers implement 21st century learning skills in ensuring lifelong learning skills.
  • Flexibility in order to accommodate teachers, students, administrators, and community members of the Hillside community. 
  • We teach information technology literacy skills necessary for independent learning.
  • Provide an environment conducive to quick accessibility and development of proficient media users.
  • Inform students and staff of available technology/media and assist with its integration in the classroom.
  • Assemble a collection of media, materials and resources that support curriculum.
  • Model a variety of effective research techniques for a variety of formats for diverse purposes.
  • A wealth of information and resources are available at each of our locations.


School library media professionals assume a leadership role in endorsing the principles of intellectual freedom within the school by providing resources and services that produce and sustain an atmosphere of free inquiry. School library media educators work closely with teachers to integrate instructional activities within the media center as well as the classroom units designed to equip students to locate, evaluate, and use a broad range of ideas effectively.

School library media educators cooperate with other individuals in building collections of resources appropriate to the developmental and maturity levels of the students at each of our locations. These collections provide resources which support the curriculum and are consistent with the philosophy, goals, and objectives of the school district. Resources in our school library media represent a diverse point of view on current as well as historical issues, such as those represented below from each of our media centers within the Hillside School District.


APM/ECC:  Mr. M. Schneider – Educational Media Specialist

The library media centers at APM/ECC and Calvin Coolidge offer multiple opportunities for young learners to achieve. Children enter a warm environment with a variety of learning centers to develop literacy skills accompanied by supporting texts. There are new touch screen computers at APM/ECC and Calvin Coolidge with an offering of class sets of Chromebook laptops. A wide selection of children’s literature and new authors to discover is available for check out.

Hurden Looker/ George Washington: Ms. M. Scott - Educational Media Specialist

George Washington:

At George Washington students have the availability of two lunch time book clubs. The students choose the books, run the discussions and donate the books to the library. There is the annual book fair that benefits the students.

Hurden Looker:

We are excited to announce our eBook library, through Abdo. Please check out our Prezi presentation created by our 4th grade students and log in below. Also we have an annual book fair, which benefits the students.

Both schools are running a drive to help students from Flint Michigan at Grand Blanc Academy. Items such as baby wipes, Vaseline, pre-made juice, laundry products and notes of encouragement can be dropped off at the Hurden Looker Media Center until June 1, 2016.

Please follow the links provided below:


User: hurden

Password: student



WOKrumbiegel : Ms. Ramona Williams - Educational Media Specialist

WOK has a media center that provides homework help both in the morning and during the afternoon hours for assistance to our student population. The student benefit from being provided with some resources that supplement the student’s curriculum. Students are seen on a fixed schedule to provide support with ensuring the students are prepared in becoming lifelong learners.

Resources such as a subscription to Infobase Learning. The students have access to the World Almanac which has been a publisher of award-winning reference titles since 1868. The World Almanac imprint includes such iconic titles as The World

Almanac and Book of Facts, the best-selling American reference book of all time, and the World Almanac for Kids, the best-selling reference book for kids. Published annually, these books are trusted sources of authoritative, accurate, and entertaining information.

The World Almanac Online

Access URL:

The World Almanac for Kids Online

Access URL:

Username: wok-ms
Password: mediactr


Hillside High School Educational Media Center/Library – Mrs. S. Allen-Williams – Educational Media Specialist - 

The Hillside High School Educational Media Center operates on a flexible schedule. Our library media program is integrated into the instructional program of the school, students, teachers, and library media specialist allowing for partners in learning. The library program is an extension of the classroom. Informational and research skills are taught and learned within the context of the classroom curriculum. Planning between our media center and the classroom teacher, which encourages both scheduled and informal visits, is the catalyst that makes this integrated library program. Students and teachers are welcomed to our media center throughout the day to use information sources, to read for pleasure, and to meet and work with other students and teachers. The Hillside High School Media Center is the hub of the Hillside High School community.

Our students are afforded the opportunity of having both printed and electronic resources available while in school as well as remote access of our resources.

We also have Chrome-book, Nook, and Apple carts available for use in the center.

Our student, educators, staff and administrators access daily our Hillside High School Educational Media Center’s Web Page where a wealth of information, resources and databases are available. Currently we have 41,177 visitors.



Please feel free to visit our Hillside High School Media page:

Access URL:

Our primary databases include Thompson Gale, Ebsco, and Eric. Within the Ebsco database there are varied databases that address informational research.

We ensure that our resources address content areas across the curriculum. Our community has access to student links, teacher links, announcements and summer reading assignments just to name a few.

Thomson Gale Database -

The Thomson Corporation is a global leader in providing integrated information solutions to business and professional customers. Thomson Gale ( serves the world's information and education needs through its vast and dynamic content pools, which are used by students and consumers in their libraries, schools and on the Internet.


Ebscohost and ERIC -

Use the power of EBSCOhost to search not only all EBSCO products, but also all other electronic resources, including those from other database aggregators, OPACs, publisher packages, A-to-Z services, and virtually any other electronic resource available.


EBSCO Service provides fast, simple, unified access to all of the library’s full-text content (electronic and print) including the catalog, journals, books, magazines, and special collections as well as searchable metadata for tens of thousands of journals & magazines and millions of books, videos and music CDs.


We have over one hundred links to sites that will assist our community in accomplishing their academic goals. In addition some of the links include:


MyHomework - is an app that assist students in keeping well organized for assignments, quizzes, test, etc. It gives you the option to set your reminders for your assignments across all platforms. It can be used on your chrome-book, phone, tablet, and desk top computer.

eSebco Library Site -

Hillside High School Media Center electronic books offers over

125 electronic books on a variety of subject matters and interest.


Login: hillside

Password: library

ID: Provide your student ID #

It is our hope that all K-12 students will take advantage of the rich offerings being provided through our media centers.

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